About Us

About Angry Squirrel

Welcome to Angry Squirrel, your go-to destination for mouthwatering fried chicken, fresh subs, wraps, salads, and more, located right here in the heart of Fredonia, NY. Our journey began on February 28th of this year, and it's been a labor of love ever since.

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Meet Our Chef

With over two decades of culinary expertise in the local dining scene, our chef, Andrew Smith, is no stranger to creating unforgettable flavors. His passion for food and dedication to culinary excellence have shaped Angry Squirrel into what it is today.

A Heartwarming Mission

Angry Squirrel isn't just another restaurant; it's a heartfelt mission. Our inspiration came from a personal place—a desire to create a safe dining haven for those like Andrew's son, Noah. Noah's wheat and milk allergies made finding suitable dining options in Fredonia a challenge. That's when the idea was born - to provide our community with a safe and delightful place to enjoy a diverse menu that includes the crispy delight of fried chicken, Noah's absolute favorite.

The Name Behind the Squirrel

The name "Angry Squirrel" is more than just a catchy title; it's a representation of our commitment to simplicity and quality. Andrew's wife played a pivotal role in choosing the name, following the trend of using simple, memorable combinations of adjectives and nouns for restaurant names. "Andrew Smith" transformed into "Angry Squirrel," and it's become a symbol of our dedication to making your dining experience memorable.

  • Inclusivity at its Core

    Our primary goal is to be a restaurant where everyone feels safe and welcomed. We understand the importance of having options for those with dietary restrictions and allergies. At Angry Squirrel, we want you to savor our delicious dishes without worry. You shouldn't have to settle for one safe item on the menu - we've designed our offerings to cater to a wide range of dietary needs.

  • A Taste of Freshness

    At Angry Squirrel, freshness is our secret ingredient. We source only the finest and freshest ingredients. Our chicken arrives fresh and is meticulously sliced and brined for a full 24 hours to ensure it's as tender and flavorful as can be. Even our fried cauliflower and pickles, beloved alternatives, are freshly prepared and hand-breaded. You can taste the difference - our cauliflower maintains that delightful crunch that signifies true freshness.

  • Angry Squirrel

Join us at Angry Squirrel and experience the dedication, love, and care we put into every dish. 

We're more than a restaurant; we're a place where you can savor safe, delicious food, and create cherished memories. We look forward to serving you and becoming a part of the Fredonia community's dining tradition.

Come hungry, leave happy at Angry Squirrel!

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